Idaho Fish and Game is seeking comments on its Idaho Furbearer Management Plan, 2022-2027. The draft plan is open to public comment through April 20. Fish and Game welcomes input from the public, and encourages references to specific sections or pages of the plan when leaving a general comment.
Click here to provide input on this management plan.
With the last furbearer management plan being developed in 1990, much has changed in furbearer management priorities. During the development of the 2022-27 Furbearer Management Plan, staff identified a variety of potential needs that could contribute to the conservation and management of these species, and provide abundant opportunity for license holders.
To inform management guidance for this furbearer management planning process, Fish and Game conducted an opinion survey of all trapping license holders from 2017 to 2021. Fish and Game staff mailed questionnaires to 4,305 individuals and received responses from 1600 individuals (37 percent response).
Furbearers are a diverse group of wildlife, with roughly 19 species in Idaho that have been or are harvested for their fur. The opportunities provided by this group of animals reflect this diversity, with trapping, hunting and wildlife viewing being popular activities for Idahoans statewide.
Management of these species are primarily conducted through trapping and hunting. Their harvest creates a valued opportunity to license holders, provides data to track the population status of these species, and can help address wildlife human conflicts such as livestock depredation and/or damage to transportation and irrigation infrastructure.
The final draft of the plan will be presented for the Commission's consideration at their May 18-19 meeting in McCall.