The Fish and Game Commission will meet in Pocatello on July 13-14, with the public hearing starting at 7 p.m. MDT Tuesday, July 13, at the Southeast Regional Office, 1345 Barton Road. People can address the Commission about any matters related to Fish and Game at that time. The public hearing will not be streamed live, but the business meeting on July 14 will.
Fish and Game will be adhering to the guidelines from the Governor’s Stage 4 Stay Healthy Order from May 11.
Those wishing to speak to the Commission during the public hearing will have a three-minute time limit, with additional comments accepted in writing. Because of capacity limits in the meeting room, individuals wishing to testify may be asked to wait in a separately designated room (subject to a capacity limit and social distancing) or at another location until it is their turn to speak.
The business meeting will resume at 8 a.m. MDT July 14 at the same location. Public comments are not accepted during the business meeting, but it is open to the public. In-person attendance at the business meeting will be limited to due to capacity limits in the meeting room, but people can also attend remotely via Zoom:
Live stream via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 936 8235 8350
Call-in number: 253-215-8782
See the full agenda and details for action items.
Agenda action items include:
- Commission direction for the Wolf Depredation Control Board
- Sage-grouse, fall Chinook, and Coho salmon season setting
- Goose zone selections
- Additional hunting areas for stocked pheasants requiring the possession of an Upland Game Bird Permit
- Later pheasant season start date for nonresidents
- Hunt structure for swans – controlled or general hunt
Individuals with disabilities may request meeting accommodations by contacting the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Director's Office at 208-334-5159 or through the Idaho Relay Service at 1-800-368-6185 (TDD).