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Idaho Fish and Game

F&G Commission sets Fall Chinook Harvest Season

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission during a meeting Thursday, July 12, adopted a harvest season on fall Chinook salmon to open September 1. The season will continue until further notice or October 31, whichever comes first, in the Snake River and the lower Clearwater River. Fishery managers predict 18,272 adult hatchery origin Chinook salmon will cross Lower Granite Dam, the last of four federal dams on the lower Snake River on their way back to Idaho. Anglers may only keep fish with a clipped adipose fin, evidenced by a healed scar. All salmon with an intact adipose fin must be released. The daily limit is six adult fall Chinook, and the possession limit is 18. There is no season limit on adult fall Chinook. There are no daily or possession limits on jacks and anglers are not required to mark jacks on their salmon permit. Anglers may use only barbless hooks no larger than five-eighths inch from the point to the shank. When the daily possession limit is reached, the angler must stop fishing for salmon, including catch and-release. Anglers must have a valid Idaho fishing license and salmon permit in possession to fish for salmon. A salmon permit used during the spring or summer season is still valid for the fall season. The Snake River fishery will open in four sections:
  • From the Washington-Idaho border to Bridge Street bridge.
  • From Bridge Street bridge to the Oregon-Washington border.
  • From the Oregon-Washington border to the mouth of Sheep Creek.
  • From the mouth of Sheep Creek to Hells Canyon Dam.
The Clearwater River will open from its mouth to the Memorial Bridge. A map showing the boundaries is available in the 2012 Fishing Seasons and Rules brochure.