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Idaho Fish and Game

F&G commission sets 2018-19 seasons and rules for migratory birds


Most seasons will be very similar to last year

Idaho Fish and Game Commission recently set rules for the 2018 migratory bird season, which includes ducks, geese, mourning doves, American crow, snipe and coots, and sandhill cranes. 

Most seasons will be very similar to last year with adjustments of opening dates so they remain on Saturdays. 

Duck and Canada goose seasons will run Oct. 13 through Jan. 25 in Area 1 and Oct. 6 through Jan. 18 in Area 2. Duck hunters will also have a shorter season for scaup, and will get an increase to two pintails daily in the bag limit for 2018-19. 

Canada goose season in Area 3 in the southeast corner of the state will run Oct. 6 though Jan. 3, but will also include a two-week season in September. 

Sandhill crane hunters will get a new hunt in the Malad area with 25 tags available. All sandhill crane tags are available on a first-come, first-served basis starting Aug. 1 at 10 a.m. Mountain Daylight Savings Time. 

2018-19 migratory bird rules booklet will be available in print in July and online prior to that.