During their meeting on July 14, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission awarded $100,000 to various organizations throughout the state through the Idaho Fish and Game Commission Community Challenge Grant program.
Through this program, Idaho Fish and Game provides partnership opportunity to implement projects that are broadly supported by the local/statewide sporting community and enhance fish and wildlife habitat, populations, or associated recreational opportunities.
There are two different types of awards available. Regional grants are awarded for projects that benefit a local or regional scale are eligible for up to $10,000, made available through each of the seven Fish and Game regions. Projects that benefit the state or multiple regions are eligible for up to $30,000 through a statewide grant. The grants are awarded annually.
This year, there were a total of 21 applicants for the seven regional grants, and four applicants for the statewide grant. The 2021-2022 Idaho Fish and Game Commission Community Challenge Grant awardees are:
Panhandle Region
Trout Unlimited ($5,000)
Project description: Develop and promote Westslope Cutthroat trout awareness campaign.
Foundation for Wildlife Management ($5,000)
Project description: Reimburse hunters and trappers for wolves harvested from Game Management Units specified by Fish and Game, with F4WM paying half of the reimbursement and the Commission Community Challenge Grant paying the other half of the reimbursement.
Clearwater Region
Great Burn Conservation Alliance ($7,000)
Project description: Kelly Creek Trail maintenance and noxious weed removal.
Foundation for Wildlife Management ($3,000)
Project description: Reimburse hunters and trappers for wolves harvested from Game Management Units specified by Fish and Game, with F4WM paying half of the reimbursement and the Commission Community Challenge Grant paying the other half of the reimbursement.
Southwest Region
Canyon County 4H ($9,800)
Project description: Purchase enclosed utility trailer and 3D archery targets to serve as portable 4H archery range.
Magic Valley Region
First Lite Performance Hunting Apparel and Hushin Inc. ($8,500)
Project description: Restore habitat for turkeys and other wildlife species in Big Cottonwood canyon after fire.
Wood River land Trust ($1,500)
Project description: Quigley Canyon wildlife-friendly fencing project.
Southeast Region
Eastern Idaho Houndsmen Association ($10,000)
Project description: Funding to buy supplies and hound hunting equipment for the youth to encourage more youth to participate in hound hunting in the state.
Upper Snake Region
Idaho State Bowhunters ($10,000)
Project description: Purchase youth archery equipment including: bows, targets, arrows, archery accessories for many children, and a certificate for a lifetime Idaho hunting license for one child.
Salmon Region
Wild Sheep Foundation ($10,000)
Project description: Work with landowners raising sheep/goats to gain support for efforts to reduce the risk of disease transmission through outreach, disease testing and monitoring, and herd management.
Sagebrush Steppe Land Trust ($30,000)
Project description: Contribute to Phase 2 implementation of the Blackfoot River Watershed Restoration Project.