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Idaho Fish and Game


F&G Commission approves summer Chinook seasons to start June 18


The seasons are set to open Saturday, June 18

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission met via conference call and approved the proposed summer Chinook salmon seasons for the South Fork Salmon and Upper Salmon rivers as well as the Lochsa River. The seasons are set to open Saturday, June 18 and will remain open seven days a week until harvest goals are achieved.

This will be the first time a Chinook fishery has been open in the Upper Salmon River fishery since 2019, and the first for the section below the Pahsimeroi River since 2018. 

About 80 percent of the returning summer Chinook have already been counted at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River, which is the first dam the fish cross after leaving the Pacific Ocean. Based on those counts, preseason estimates for sport angler harvest for adult Chinook is about 1,000 Chinook for the South Fork of the Salmon River, 1,400 Chinook for the Upper Salmon River, and about 120 Chinook for the Lochsa River. 

Bag and possession limits for the Upper Salmon, South Fork Salmon and Lochsa rivers are four Chinook daily, of which only two may be adults 24-inches or longer. Possession is 12, and only six of which may be adults. No person may take more than 20 adult Chinook salmon statewide during 2022 salmon seasons occurring prior to Aug. 7, 2022.

Fishing will close Aug. 7, or by Closure Order signed by the Director of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.

For more information about Chinook fishing and full seasons and rules go to the Chinook Salmon Seasons and Rules webpage.