Family Ice Fishing Clinic and Derby Planned at Spring Valley Reservoir
Break out of your winter hibernation!
Bring the whole family to Spring Valley Reservoir near Moscow for a Family Ice Fishing Clinic and Derby from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, January 29.
Idaho Fish and Game will provide free bait as well as rods and reels for loan on a first-come-first-serve basis. Volunteers from the American Fisheries Society will be available to provide assistance to anglers new to the sport.
The University of Idaho Student Recreation Organization and Moscow Parks and Recreation, will host a fishing derby from 8 a.m. to noon. Prizes for the largest catch by age group will be awarded at noon, with several prizes to be given away throughout the morning to those who provide a $3 entry fee. Check-in will be on the eastside of the reservoir near the parking lot. Food and hot beverages will also be available for a small fee.
All Idaho fishing regulation apply, including anglers 14 years of age or older must possess a valid Idaho fishing license.
Spring Valley Reservoir is 55 acres, 13 miles east of Moscow and two miles north of Highway 8. Managed with simple fishing regulations, Spring Valley Reservoir provides a great place for families, kids and first-time anglers. Rainbow trout, largemouth bass, bluegill, and crappie are present in good numbers.