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Idaho Fish and Game

Fall Chinook Seasons Set

Idaho Fish and Game Commission has adopted fall Chinook salmon fishing seasons on parts of the Snake, Clearwater and Salmon rivers. The action was taken at the Commission's meeting in Salmon on Thursday July 10. The 2013 return of fall Chinook was surprisingly large, and this year's run is again expected to be one of the largest in recent history. The forecast return including hatchery and natural fall Chinook to the Snake River basin is more than 57,000 fish. The Snake River, from the Washington-Idaho border upstream to Cliff Mountain Rapids, a little less than a mile downstream of Hells Canyon Dam, will be open from September 1 until further notice or October 31. The Clearwater River, from its mouth upstream to Memorial Bridge; and the Salmon River, from its mouth upstream about three-fourths of a mile to Eye of the Needle Rapids, will also be open from September 1 until further notice or October 31, whichever comes first. The Snake River, from Cliff Mountain Rapids to Hells Canyon Dam, will be open from September 1 until further notice or November 17. A valid fishing license and salmon permit are required to fish for fall Chinook. Only adipose-clipped salmon may be kept. Only adult fall Chinook must be recorded on the angler's salmon permit. The daily bag limit is six adult fall Chinook salmon, the possession limit is 18 adult fall Chinook. Adult Chinook are 24 inches and longer. There is no season limit on adult fall Chinook. There are no daily, possession or season limits on fall Chinook jacks (those less than 24 inches). Anglers are not required to record fall Chinook jacks on their permits.