Fall Chinook Harvest Season Ends Sunday
Salmon fishing will end for the year when the fall Chinook harvest season on the Snake River ends Sunday, November 17.
The season ended October 31 in the Clearwater and Salmon rivers and in the Snake River, except the reach from Cliff Mountain Rapids to Hells Canyon Dam, which closes November 17.
As of October 27, anglers had caught 269 marked adults and 180 jacks fall Chinook and caught and released 1,161 unmarked fish in the lower Clearwater River. They caught and kept 1,260 adults and 855 jacks in the Snake River, for a total of 2,115 fish. Hatchery-origin fish are marked with a clipped adipose fin.
This year, almost 54,268 adult fall hatchery-origin Chinook and about 21,039 jacks crossed Lower Granite Dam, many of them returned to the Snake River above Lewiston.