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Idaho Fish and Game

Don't Forget to File Hunter Reports

All deer, elk and antelope hunters must complete and submit a report for each tag issued within 10 days of harvest or within 10 days of the close of the season for which the tag was valid. The easiest way is to submit the hunter report card online at, and click on the logo below the photo. Submitting online is the surest way to have hunt information included and the only way to get confirmation that the report was received. Reports may also be called in 24-hours a day toll-free at 1-877-268-9365. Fish and Game mailed 99,000 reminder postcards in early November to households with tags not yet filed. Some hunts continue into December, and hunters are encouraged to file their reports as soon as they can after their hunt is over. As of December 20, Fish and Game had received 95,000 reports, which is about 43 percent of the tags sold. More than 1,200 reports have been coming in every day. If you have any questions or problems entering your hunter report please call Fish and Game's Wildlife Bureau at 208-334-2920.