The Fish and Game Commission will meet in Coeur d’Alene on May 5-6, with the public hearing at 7 p.m. PDT Wednesday, May 5, at the Panhandle Region Office, 2885 W. Kathleen Ave. People can address the Commission about any matters related to Fish and Game at that time. The public hearing will not be streamed live, but the business meeting will on May 6.
Due to the Governor’s Stage 3 Stay Healthy Order, gatherings are limited to 50 persons or less in attendance. With staff and Commissioners present and space limitations for adequate social distancing, no more than 25 members of the public will be allowed in the meeting room at one time during the public hearing, but commenters will be allowed to cycle through to stay within the limit.
People wishing to testify may be asked to wait in a separate room (subject to a capacity limit and social distancing) or at another location until it is their turn to speak. Those who attend the public hearing and wish to and speak to the Commission will have a three-minute time limit, with additional comments accepted in writing.
The Commission’s business meeting will resume at 8 a.m. PDT May 6 at the same location. Public comments are not accepted during the business meeting, but it is open to the public. In-person attendance will remain limited to 25 people or less, which includes the Commission and Fish and Game staff, but members of the public can also attend remotely via Zoom:
Live stream via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 936 8235 8350
Call-in number: 253-215-8782
See the full agenda and details for action items.
Agenda action items include:
- Consideration of Shooting Range Grant Funding Recommendations
- 2021 summer Chinook salmon season setting
- 2021-2022 migratory game bird seasons setting
- Consideration of a controlled hunt format for swan tags
Non-action items include:
- Review of public input for 2022-2024 fishing season scoping process and presentation of draft proposals for public comment
- And more
Individuals with disabilities may request meeting accommodations by contacting the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Director's Office at 208-334-5159 or through the Idaho Relay Service at 1-800-368-6185 (TDD).