Commission to Meet in Coeur d'Alene in November
The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will meet November 18-19 at the Coeur d'Alene Resort, 115 South Second Street, Coeur d'Alene.
A public hearing will start at 7 p.m. Wednesday, November 18, at the resort.
The meeting will start Thursday morning, November 19, with a joint meeting with the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board to discuss policies on a moratorium on outfitted waterfowl, upland game and turkey hunting and on outfitting on state and private lands.
Commissioners will hear an update on Fish and Game's ungulate ecology research. They will consider guidelines for the auction and lottery tag bid process, and receive an update on the 2009 special wolf auction and lottery tags.
Also on the agenda are updates on grizzly bears and wolves and wolf harvest limits; the Pend Oreille Fish Recovery Program; and on legislation.
Commissioners will consider rules for licensing children with special needs and for disabled veterans' big game tags; several proposed land acquisitions; and they will hear about the raven control program in Utah and Nevada.
Commissioners also will elect a chairman and vice-chairman for next year, set the calendar and select a representative to the Western Association for Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
The meeting will end with an executive session.