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Idaho Fish and Game


Clearwater Region’s Pheasant Release Program ready for 2019 Season


Pheasant season is almost two weeks away, and Idaho Department of Fish & Game will be stocking pheasants at the Palouse River Upland Game Area and the Peterson Loop Access YES site. Pheasant releases will occur during the youth-only season (October 5-11) as well as the general season (October 12-December 31).

IDFG will band all release pheasants to determine harvest rates of released pheasants. Hunters should report band numbers to the Idaho Fish and Game office in Lewiston (208-799-5010) to be entered into the drawing for a prize at the end of the season. Band returns help assess the effectiveness of this program to increase upland game hunting opportunities in the Clearwater Region.

Palouse River Upland Game Area Requirements: This site is limited to five youth/mentor pairs each day. Hunt day sign-ups are done on IDFG’s website at Palouse River Youth-Only Upland Game Area.

Eligibility: Youth must be 17 years old or younger, possess a valid hunting license, and be accompanied by a mentor (an adult 18 years old or older who possess a valid hunting license) to be eligible for a hunt. Mentors may also harvest pheasants when accompanying a hunter. If a young hunter has never had a hunting license and has not yet completed a hunter education course, they can still be eligible for a hunt through IDFG’s Hunting Passport Program.

Directions: From Potlatch, travel west on Highway 6, continue south onto Highway 6/Highway 95 until Highway 6 branches off west to Palouse, WA. Continue along Highway 6 for about 2.5 miles and turn left onto Wellesley Road. Travel down Wellesley Road for 1.75 miles and turn left onto South River Road. The access point is on your left just after the bridge—see Access YES! kiosk on your right.

Peterson Loop Access YES: This property is limited to 30 hunters per week. Online sign-ups are required for this site, sign-ups can be done on IDFG’s website at Petersen Loop Access YES.

Directions: From Moscow, travel south approximately 4.5 miles on Highway 95 then turn east on Eid Road for approximately 5.5 miles. Turn left and travel south on Danielson Road for approximately 1.5 miles then turn on Lonestar Road and travel east for 1.3 miles. The northern portion of the property can be access by turning north onto Campbell Loop Road, and traveling 1.1 miles northeast then turning east and traveling approximately 0.5 miles on Lenville Road. The southern portion of the property is accessible by turning south onto Campbell Loop Road, then traveling approximately 1.7 miles.

Pheasant Hunting Regulations: Pheasant hunting begins one-half hour before sunrise and ends one-half hour after sunset. Hunter orange clothing is not required—but highly recommended to increase visibility and ensure safety of all hunting parties.

Additional information regarding pheasant hunting seasons and regulations can be found at Upland Game, Furbearer, and Turkey Seasons and Rules—hard copies of regulations are available at licensed IDFG vendors as well as the Clearwater Region Office (3316 16th Street, Lewiston, ID 83501). If you need any assistance/guidance regarding 2019 pheasant hunting opportunities, please call the Clearwater Region Office in Lewiston at 208-799-2010.