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Idaho Fish and Game


Clearwater Region trout stocking schedule for April


Over 35,300 catchable- sized rainbow trout will be stocked at the following locations during April.

Body of Water                        Week To Be Stocked                          Number To Be Stocked

Mann Lake                               March 25-29                                          5400

Hordemann Pond                   April 15-19                                               500

Kiwanis Park Pond                 April 15-19                                             1500

Long Gulch Pond                    April 15-19                                               500

Mann Lake                               April 15-19                                             4500

Robinson Pond                       April 15-19                                                800

Winchester Lake                     April 15-19                                              6000

Spring Valley Reservoir         April 22-26                                               5400

Campbell's Pond                   April 29-May 3                                          2000

Deyo Reservoir                      April 29-May 3                                          5700

Lake Waha                             April 29- May 3                                         3000

The number of trout actually released may be altered by weather, water conditions, equipment problems or schedule changes. If delays occur, trout will be released when conditions become favorable. Contact the Clearwater Hatchery for more information (208) 476-3331. See our fish stocking page for statewide information about where fish are released.