Over 49,400 catchable- sized rainbow trout will be stocked at the following locations during May.
Body of Water Week To Be Stocked Number To Be Stocked
Campbells Pond May 6-10 2000
Deer Creek Reservoir May 6-10 2100
Fenn Pond May 6-10 1000
Five Mile Pond May 6-10 500
Karolyns Pond May 6-10 800
Lake Waha May 6-10 3000
Mann Lake May 6-10 6000
Robinson Pond May 6-10 800
Elk Creek Reservoir May 13-17 2700
Hordemann Pond May 13-17 250
Moose Creek Reservoir May 13-17 3000
Powell Pond May 13-17 800
Snake River Levee Pond May 13-17 1500
Spring Valley Reservoir May 13-17 4200
Tunnel Pond May 13-17 1000
Deyo Reservoir May 20-24 3600
Dworshak Reservoir May 20-24 2100
Long Gulch Pond May 20-24 500
Soldiers Meadow Reservoir May 20-24 2000
Tolo Lake May 20-24 1300
Winchester Lake May 20-24 6000
Camp Grizzly Pond May 27-31 500
Campbells Pond May 27-31 1000
Lake Waha May 27-31 1500
Palouse River Pond May 27-31 500
Snake River Levee Pond May 27-31 750
The number of trout actually released may be altered by weather, water conditions, equipment problems or schedule changes. If delays occur, trout will be released when conditions become favorable. Contact the Clearwater Hatchery for more information (208) 476-3331. See our fish stocking page for statewide information about where fish are released.