The Citizen Shooting Range Advisory Committee will meet on Wednesday, Jan. 20 a 6 p.m. MST. Committee members are participating by video conference, which the Department is hosting at the Nampa Regional Office, 15950 N. Gate Blvd.
While this meeting is informational and no action will be taken, it is open to the public. Due to the Governor’s Stage 2 Stay Healthy Order, dated 11/13/2020, gatherings, including public meetings, are limited to 10 persons or less in physical attendance. People who wish to observe are encouraged to live stream the meeting via Zoom.
Link to Zoom Meeting:
This meeting is the first for the committee, which was created by Idaho law in 2020 and serves an advisory role to assist Fish and Game in evaluating the shooting range grant applications that the department solicits each year. The volunteer committee consists of members of the public who actively use shooting ranges and are familiar with the elements for safe public shooting ranges in their communities. They also represent a diversity of shooting opportunities that include hunters, recreational and competitive shooters.