Chinook Fishing Stays Open on South Fork Salmon
The Chinook salmon fishing season on the South Fork Salmon River will remain open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until further notice.
The South Fork will be open from the bridge on Forest Service Road 48 (Lick Creek/ East Fork South Fork Road) where it crosses the South Fork Salmon River main stem just upstream of the confluence with the East Fork South Fork Salmon River, upstream about 35 river miles to a posted boundary about 100 yards downstream from the Idaho Fish and Game South Fork Salmon River weir and trap.
Fishing hours are from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time.
The daily bag limit is four Chinook salmon, only two of which may be adults; the possession limit is 12 Chinook salmon, only six of which may be adults.
Adult Chinook salmon are 24 or more inches in length, and jacks are less than 24 inches in length. Only adipose-fin-clipped salmon may be kept.
The season-statewide limit is 10 adult Chinook salmon during salmon seasons occurring before September 1, 2013.