Ask Fish and Game: Moose Reporting
Q. I harvested a moose this year, but when I tried to file my harvest report online it was rejected. Why?
A. That's because reporting requirements for moose are different from elk, deer and pronghorn. Successful moose hunters must complete a big game mortality report within 10 days of the date of the kill. Forms are available at Fish and Game regional offices, from conservation officers, taxidermists and meat processors. All hunters who have harvested either an antlered or antlerless moose must complete this report. Antlers must be presented at Idaho Fish and Game regional offices or official check point or to a conservation officer within 10 days of the date of the kill. Unsuccessful hunters must present or mail their unused tags to a Fish and Game office within 10 days after the close of the season for which the tag was valid. Cancelled tags will be returned to the hunter upon request. Failure to report may result in future ineligibility in moose drawings.