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Idaho Fish and Game

Ask Fish and Game: Depredation Hunts

Q. When is the deadline to sign up for depredation hunts this year? A. The sign-up period to participate in depredation hunts this year runs through June 30. Any Idaho resident with a valid hunting license may participate. Hunters may apply for deer, elk, pronghorn and black bear - but only once for each species. They may apply for a different species in different regions. For more information and an application form check pages 85 and 86 in the big game rule book. Fill out the form and mail it to the regional office in the areas hunters are willing to hunt. All applications received before June 30 will be placed in random order. All applications received after June 30 will be placed at the end of the list in the order received. The list will be valid from July 1 to the following June 30. If a controlled antlerless or doe-fawn hunt is open or about to open in the depredation area, holders of permits in that area will be given the first option to participate in the depredation hunt. After antlerless or doe-fawn controlled hunts have ended, participants will be selected in order from the depredation hunt list. Generally, applications received after June 30 have little chance of being selected.