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Idaho Fish and Game

Ask the Conservation Officer (CO)

by Gary Hompland, Regional Conservation Officer Question: "I heard a couple of guys talking about pheasant hunting and observed some hen pheasants they had taken. Isn't it unlawful to kill hens?" Answer: Generally you are correct, hen pheasants are protected. To hunt and kill wild hen pheasants would be a violation of Idaho law. However, to be sure if there is a violation, several questions must be answered. These questions are focused on the origin of the birds and location they were harvested. Idaho law allows entrepreneurs to develop a business on private property called a "shooting preserve." Shooting preserves are licensed by Fish and Game for the release pen-reared game birds such as, pheasant, quail, and chukars. Properly licensed hunters may hunt pen-reared game birds for a fee on these preserves. Shooting preserves have liberal hunting seasons and state laws allow them to essentially set their own bag limits, including allowing harvest of hen pheasants. All pen-reared birds harvested from a shooting preserve must be marked. This can be with either a leg band, a healed toe clip performed when they were a chick, or a nasal scar showing the bird was raised in captivity with blinders in place to prevent parasitism. I recommend all shooting preserve operators provide their clients with a receipt when they leave the preserve showing how many and what kind of birds were harvested. The shooting preserve is also required to keep detailed records of who hunted and the composition of each hunter's harvest. Hunters that kill a wild, unmarked bird on a shooting preserve must purchase an additional "wild bird band" from the Department. A Department permit also allows dog trainers and sportsmen to use pen-reared game birds to train hunting dogs. This opportunity is prohibited during spring nesting and brood-rearing to protect wild birds from disturbance. During the remainder of the year dog trainers are permitted to train their dogs using pen-reared game birds of either sex. Dog trainers must retain records showing purchase or ownership of pen-reared game birds used for training. Hunting and killing a hen pheasant without proof of ownership such as a receipt from a shooting preserve or a dog training permit with accompanying receipts from a commercial game bird producer is likely to result in a citation. Reference Idaho Code 36-2201 through 36-2215 and IDAPA 13.01.15300. If you have any further questions you may call the Magic Valley Regional Office of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game at (208)324-4350 or e-mail us at the Fish and Game web site at