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Idaho Fish and Game

Applications Sought for Commission Positions

Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter is accepting applications to fill two positions on the seven-member Idaho Fish and Game Commission. One would replace Commissioner Tony McDermott of the Panhandle Region whose term expires June 30, and the other would fill the vacant Magic Valley Region position. To be appointed, a successful candidate must be a resident of the Panhandle or the Magic Valley region, and be well informed and interested in wildlife conservation and restoration. Anyone interested may contact Ann Beebe in the governor's office at 208-334-2100 or by email at Applications via email must be received by the governor's office by May 10, or postmarked by May 10 if sent by regular mail. Fish and Game commissioners are appointed by the governor for staggered four year terms - no more than four may be from the same political party. Each commissioner must be confirmed by the Idaho State Senate. Each of the seven Fish and Game commissioners represents a different region of the state. The commission is responsible for administering the fish and game policy of Idaho. Commissioners meet in January, March, May, July and November of each year. In recent years the complexity of wildlife and fisheries management has made special sessions necessary in addition to the quarterly meetings. Major duties and responsibilities of the commission are to supervise the director of the Department of Fish and Game; establish rules and other needed controls on fishing, hunting, trapping and wildlife management in line with the state's wildlife policy; approve department budgets for submission to the legislature; conduct public hearings and make decisions on managing the state's wildlife.