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Idaho Fish and Game

75th Celebration: Critical Habitat - Wildlife Management Areas

Not all habitat is created equal. Some ecosystems will support a wide variety of wildlife, while other habitats can only be used by a limited number of species. At the same time, some wildlife species require specific types of habitat to thrive and survive, such as Idaho's sage grouse which needs sagebrush. In 1940, Idaho made its first investment in critical habitat when it purchased 423 acres south of Hagerman and established the first Wildlife Management Area. It provided wetland habitat for wintering waterfowl in a part of the Idaho that was losing its wetlands at an alarming rate. Since then, Fish and Game has established 32 wildlife management areas around the state, and the Hagerman area has more than doubled in size to 912 acres since its purchase. Of the 53 million acres in Idaho, only one third of one percent is in Fish and Game wildlife management areas, but they include a much larger percentage of the most important habitat for wildlife. Wetlands and big game winter ranges are two such types of critical habitat secured by the Department to benefit the people of Idaho for generations to come. To learn more about Idaho's 75th Celebration and the history of Idaho's wildlife management areas, go online to