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Idaho Fish and Game

75th Celebration: Checking for Wildlife

Imagine for a moment how empty our time outside would be without the hoot of an owl, wing beat of a butterfly, croak of a frog, or scent of a wildflower. Each year you check the Nongame Wildlife Conservation Fund box on your Idaho tax return, you are helping to ensure that these experiences are preserved - and not only for you, but for generations to come. In 1981, the Idaho Legislature recognized the need to support work done on behalf of wildlife, fish and plant species not hunted and fished. Lawmakers created a way for state residents to make a voluntary contribution to nongame wildlife programs on the state income tax form. This was an important decision because Idaho Fish and Game is responsible for approximately 10,000 species of fish, wildlife, and plants. From meadow voles to mountain goats, sage sparrows to sandhill cranes, and salamanders to spotted frogs - the diversity can be mind-boggling. Yet, no money from the sale of hunting or fishing licenses or from the state general fund is available "to preserve, protect, and perpetuate" 98 percent of the species not hunted, fished or trapped. To read more about how you can help nongame wildlife and other 75th Anniversary Celebration stories, visit the Fish and Game website at