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Idaho Fish and Game

10 Hunters Win Tags for Filing Reports on Time

Idaho Fish and Game has awarded controlled tags to 10 hunters selected at random from among those who filed their mandatory hunter reports by the January deadline. Hunters who bought deer, elk or pronghorn tags in 2012 and filed all of their reports by January 18, were automatically entered in the drawing as part of an incentive program for filing mandatory hunter reports on time - which saves Fish and Game money and resources. Fish and Game cannot by law release the names of the winners, but the winners will be notified by mail. The tags are similar to the Super Hunt tags that will be awarded in a drawing later this month. The winners may buy a tag for one deer, elk or pronghorn and may hunt in any controlled hunt for that species at the usual price for controlled hunt. The tags can be used in addition to any other controlled tags received in drawing. Hunters are required to file a report on their deer, elk and pronghorn hunts within 10 days after harvest or within 10 days after the end of the hunt if they did not harvest or hunt. They are required to file a report for each tag they bought whether they hunted or not. The harvest data from the reports help Idaho Fish and Game manage big game populations. Harvest data for past years is available online at: