- Jeff Dillon
- Liz Mamer
- Joe Kozfkay
- Doug Megargle
- Jim Davis
- Randy Walsh
- Bart Butterfield
The group worked through the Lakes and Reservoirs data entry application and web reports and made suggestions/requests for a number of changes.
Recommended changes to data entry application:
General Lake Data Form
- Add “Export Stocking History” function to Stocking History Tab
Lake Survey Data Form
- Add date selection control with region and lake name.
- Sort surveys in descending date order.
- Block editing of surveys, but add edit button to enable editing when specifically needed
- Add input mask/constraints on latitude/longitude – need to work with Tim.
Fish Data Tab
- Block editing of grids, but add edit button to enable editing when specifically needed.
- Make all grids alternate row colors
- Add a Find (and Replace?) button or filter bar on grids
- Add export feature to grids
- Add vertical scroll bar to grids
- Change “Scale Envelope” field label to “Sample Number”
- Add field for local fish ID – autonumber?
- Highlight out-of-range values or add “Out of Range” field for “Condition” (valid values are 0.6 – 2.5)
Sampling Effort Tab
- Force decimal hours for electrofishing
- Change “Total Effort” label to “Effort”
- dd water chemistry, zooplankton and amphibian survey to methods list
Limnology Tab
- Remove time field
Alpine Lake Tab
- Based on follow up discussion between Joe, Dale, Tom, etc.
Amphibian Tab
- Remove survey date, start time, end time – goes to sampling effort tab
- Remove air temp from grid
- Add water temp to survey data on top half of form
Recommended changes to web reports:
Catch per unit effort
- Sort by gear type
- Add decimal point to fix rounding errors
Weight per unit effort
- Rounding errors?
Biomass by Length
- Any way to speed up calculation/query?
Species Composition
- Re-label tab
- Didn’t pick up fish with null weight
- Change “Total Fish Counted” label to “Total Fish in Calculation”
Length Frequency
- Add gear type (may need new report?)
- Remove TL and units from length category labels (make just like 0-9, …)
- Add “Total Measured” field
- Add new report specifically for species composition
- Hide summary boxes in all reports - maybe add feature to parse URL to get query criteria