The few anglers fishing from boats on the main stem of the Clearwater River (03) are fishing right around the Dworshak National Fish Hatchery and the shore anglers are fishing at the pole yard. The catch rate for the few anglers interviewed were good.
The North Fork of the Clearwater had effort spread throughout the section and anglers were seen bobber fishing ,drifting orange beads, shrimp, or eggs. The South Fork of the Clearwater had very good catch rates this past week and saw the majority of the effort in the region. The Mt. Idaho hole saw the highest amount of effort this week on the South Fork. There are reports of fish being caught as high as mp 23 on highway 14 and water clarity is starting to become much better above the Mt. Idaho hole. Anglers are predominantly seen using orange beads on the South Fork.
The Salmon River and Little Salmon River did not document any harvest this past week. Jaime Robertson - Fisheries Technician II, PSMFC/IDFG