The majority of the angling effort on the main stem of the Clearwater (river section 03) is focused around the Orofino area. Shore anglers are fishing at the Pole Yard by the Clearwater Fish Hatchery and boat anglers are fishing in this area or just further up the Mainstem Clearwater River by Dworshak National Fish Hatchery. Anglers are drifting eggs or bobber fishing.
The North Fork of the Clearwater has effort spread out along the river from the bridge up to the wall of the dam. Anglers in this stretch are bobber fishing or drifting eggs/shrimp.
The South Fork of the Clearwater had very good catch rates this week. The best area to fish was the Foamy Hole (mp 17.8) anglers in this area drifted beads.
by Jaime Robertson IDFG/PSMFC Fisheries Technician 2