The Southeast Region has significant history of winter feeding and has an active Winter Feeding Advisory Committee.
Feb. 22, 2017 status report
Much of the Southeast Region is experiencing spring-like weather conditions and big game use of winter feed sites has significantly decreased. Lower elevations, south-facing and west-facing slopes are all snow free now. Bear Lake County and some parts of Caribou County still has snow blanketing much of the area at all elevations.
The total number of active winter feeding sites in the Southeast Region is 87.
- 8,600 deer
- 3,000 elk
- 215 pronghorn
The purposes of the feeding sites are as follows:
- Critical winter conditions - 72 sites
- Public safety - 44 sites
- Private property damage - 64 sites
- Reduce elk/cattle interaction - 18 sites
- Range fire - 10 sites