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Idaho Fish and Game

Ice jam on the Clearwater River

Clearwater River Steelhead Update


We had our first significant runoff event of the winter this past week which caused significant ice break up throughout the regions rivers. Ice and woody debris began flowing down river and caused the main stem of the Clearwater to be difficult or almost impossible to fish in most areas. The attached picture is from the mainstem Clearwater just downstream of the confluence of the Lochsa and Selway.  But, there was still steelhead fishing to be had.  The North Fork saw a jump in effort due to the blow out on the main stem. Catch rates in the North Fork Clearwater (Section 05) were not as good as previous weeks at 14 hrs / fish caught and 18 hrs / fish kept.   But that is still decent fishing.


Fishing conditions are already improving as the rivers start to recede.  Hopefully the river will get in shape this week and fishing in the South Fork and mainstem Clearwater will pick up.