Winter feeding last occurred in the late 90’s in the Stanley area.
Feb. 6, 2017 status report
Significant numbers of elk are still wintering on and adjacent to agriculture fields, but are not currently at risk of significant nutritional based mortality. Depredation complaints are still high and continued elk hazing by wildlife and enforcement staff has been a priority. Fish and Game has significantly increased elk permits in the Salmon Region to lower elk numbers and haze animals away from private property.
Snow measurements and temperatures have been gathered in the Sawtooth Basin and around North Fork. We have not met the emergency indicators for initiating winter feeding in place for the region in either location. We have had moderating temperatures over the last week. No significant snow crusting has developed. Winter feeding advisory committee members were contacted on February 1 by phone to discuss the criteria, current conditions, elk numbers, and depredation hot spots. They decided that emergency feeding was not warranted at this time. The winter feeding committee will be contacted again next week to reassess conditions.