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Idaho Fish and Game

Walking a restoration site with landowner

Building partnerships to benefit wild steelhead in the Potlatch River


           Co-author: Robert Hand (Regional Fisheries Biologist)

           The Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) and partners are working to improve habitat conditions for wild steelhead in the Potlatch River in northern Idaho through stream restoration projects.

Restoring steelhead and their habitat in the Potlatch River requires a network of habitat restoration experts, funders, and management groups. However, our most vital partners are private landowners. Most of the Potlatch watershed is privately owned and without willing landowners this program would not succeed. IDFG personnel work directly with private landowners to access their properties to restore steelhead habitat and conduct sampling work. Fortunately, there are landowners who want to see steelhead flourish once again in the Potlatch River and are joining the effort to make a difference



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Landownership in the Potlatch River basin


An important part of maintaining great relationships with participating landowners is respecting their property and ensuring they benefit from the partnership as well. We ensure that our restoration projects always leave landowner’s property in as good or better condition than when we started. That can include things like re-vegetating and re-grading areas that were disturbed by equipment, building and repairing fences, or even providing off-site watering opportunities for livestock. In the end, we want all partners to come away with a sense of accomplishment and pride that they were part of the project. Ultimately, with the help of private landowners we expect these projects will result in more wild steelhead returning to the Potlatch River. 


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Walking a restoration project with a landowner/ Photo by Robert Hand


If you are interested in partnering with IDFG to conduct stream habitat restoration on your property in the Potlatch River basin, please contact Robert Hand or Brian Knoth at 208-799-5010.

For more information on habitat restoration and steelhead monitoring work in the Potlatch River, be sure to check out these related stories:

Also check out our other articles on Wild Salmon and Steelhead | Idaho Fish and Game