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Idaho Fish and Game

Hayden and Kid's Creek ponds near Salmon stocked with big trout


Clear Springs Foods recently donated over 300 large rainbow trout that were stocked into Hayden Pond and Kid's Creek Pond.


These big trout, which average 4 pounds, were stocked by personnel from Idaho Fish and Game’s Mackay Hatchery.  Hayden Pond and Kid's Creek Pond were each stocked with approximately 160 of the large rainbows. The fish were used in the production of trout raised at Clear Springs Foods’ hatchery in Mackay. Referred to as brood stock, these hatchery trout are nearing the end of their usefulness in producing the next generation, but thanks to the generous donation from Clear Springs Foods, they will provide anglers some thrilling fishing.


The weather has been beautiful this fall in Salmon, and looks to stay nice over the next couple of weeks, so get out enjoy these big trout while you can. Pond fishing is a great way to introduce kids to the sport, using simple set-ups like dangling a worm beneath a bobber, or sinking it to the bottom and using a piece of marshmallow to float it above the weeds. Casting and retrieving spinners and spoons is another effective technique used by more experienced anglers.