Don't miss this opportunity to attend one of these public meetings to provide comments and opinions on how to best manage the 2019 Chinook salmon fisheries in the Clearwater, Hells Canyon, lower Salmon, and little Salmon river drainages.
During most of these meetings, free pizza and refreshments will be provided, and biologists will discuss what we learned from last year's Chinook salmon season, what this year's salmon return is projected to look like, and strategies Fish and Game could use to manage this year's Chinook run.
As always, input from anglers is important to help ensure the Chinook salmon run is managed in a manner that is most satisfying to all who participate in the fishery.
In addition to this, biologists will also give some presentations including;
- New Research-Evaluating the impacts of sport fisheries on wild steelhead
- Sea lion predation on salmon and steelhead
- Effects of fight time and air exposure on steelhead
Pizza will be served at 5:30 p.m. and presentations will begin shortly after. The meeting will continue until all angler comments are collected and/or addressed. In the past, these meetings have lasted about two hours.
The meeting locations and dates are as follows:
- Orofino: Feb.11, IDFG Clearwater Hatchery, 118 Hatchery Roe Drive, located northwest of Ahsahka Bridge.
- Riggins: Feb. 12, (5:30 p.m. Mountain Time), Salmon Rapids Lodge, 1010 S. Main Street
- Lewiston: Feb. 13, Idaho Fish and Game Office, 3316 16th Street
- McCall: Feb 13, (5 to 7 p.m. Mountain Time), IDFG office 555 Deinhard Lane. (No pizza will be served.)
Those unable to attend a meeting can provide their comments to Joe DuPont, Clearwater Region Fisheries Manager, either by phone (208) 799-5010, mail (3316 16th St. Lewiston, ID 83501) or email (