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Idaho Fish and Game

South Fork Snake River

Website Outage - Monday, August 20, 2018


The Idaho Fish and Game website experienced an unplanned system outage Monday, August 20. For nearly 8-hours, many information and services pages were unavailable. The cause was due to a technical issue.

No data was lost during the outage. Not only was information not available to review, those looking to fill-out forms, such as roadkill salvage, comment periods, or questionnaires were unable to do so until 6:20 pm MT.

Among the unavailable services was a rule-making comment page with a deadline of Monday at midnight. That comment period will be extended through 5:00pm, August 21 MT to accommodate the time needed to prepare for Thursday's commission meeting.

Several services, including the Idaho Hunt Planner, the Idaho Fishing Planner, and the Idaho Fire map remained online during the outage. The Idaho Fish and Game licensing vendor's website also remained online.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your continued patience.