Want to earn college credit while fishing? Sign up for our WILD about Fishing workshop that will be held at the Jerome Idaho Department of Fish and Game office on Friday afternoon and Saturday, April 13 and 14.
The workshop is designed for teachers, scout leaders and anyone interested in sharing fishing with a younger generation. You will learn about fishing through activities that you can share with younger individuals.
Friday afternoon’s class will start at 4 pm where we will hear from the experts about local fish and fish habitats. Before going fishing on Saturday, you will take part in a Fishing Festival, starting at 8 am.
The workshop will wrap up at 3 pm after a tour and fishing trip to the Hagerman State Fish Hatchery. Cost for the class is $40.
One university credit is available through NNU or BSU. To sign up go to https://register-ed.com/programs/idaho/187-idaho-project-wild
or call 208-863-3236.