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Idaho Fish and Game


New Fishing Rules on the Horizon


Hi everybody.

We are approaching that time of year when we will be holding our public meetings to discuss fishing rules. This year will be a little different than meetings we have had in recent years. Not only will we be discussing this year’s spring/summer Chinook Salmon rules, but we also want to hear your opinions on any changes you would like to see in our general fishing rules (2019-2021) and our Fish Management Plan that gives direction the Department’s fisheries program for the next six years.

Don’t miss this opportunity to attend one of four public meetings to provide comments and opinions on how best to manage fisheries in the Clearwater Region (Clearwater, lower Snake, lower Salmon, and lower Little Salmon river drainages).

During these meetings, FREE pizza and refreshments will be provided, and biologists will be seeking input on development of a new Fish Management Plan (2019-2024), general Fishing Seasons and Rules (2019-2021) and spring/summer Chinook Salmon rules (2018).

Some of the important topics that will be discussed includes the direction Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s fisheries program should take over the next six years, Smallmouth Bass management on Dworshak Reservoir, steelhead fishing rules, and Chinook Salmon fishing rules. During this meeting, information on each of these topics and more will be presented, and people will have opportunities to ask questions and provide their opinions on these topics or any other fisheries topic they may have. Your input is important to help insure Idaho’s fisheries are managed in a manner that is most satisfying to all who participate in them.

Pizza will be served at 5:30 p.m., and presentations will begin shortly after. The meeting will continue until all angler comments are collected and/or addressed. In the past, these meetings have lasted about two hours.

The meeting locations and dates are as follows:

  • Orofino: February 12, IDFG Clearwater Hatchery, 118 Hatchery Roe Drive, located northwest of Ahsahka Bridge.
  • Riggins: February 13 (5:30 p.m. Mountain Time), Salmon Rapids Lodge, 1010 S. Main Street
  • Moscow : February 13, Fairgrounds, 1021 Harold Street
  • Lewiston: February 15, Idaho Fish and Game Office, 3316 16th Street.

Those unable to attend a meeting can provide their comments to Joe DuPont, Clearwater Region Fisheries Manager, either by phone (208-799-5010), mail (3316 16th Street, Lewiston, ID, 83501), or email (

For those who have never made it to one of these public meetings, I think you will find it well worth your time as there is always a lot of good information provided and stimulating discussions that occur.  Remember, one of our major emphasis when developing our fishing rules is to maintain a high level of angler satisfaction; and to do this, we need to hear from you.  - Joe Dupont, Clearwater Region Fish Manager