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Idaho Fish and Game

Winter steelheading

Clearwater River Steelhead Update


This past week catch rates were good and we saw more anglers out fishing. In both creel sections, the mouth of the Clearwater River to Orofino and the North Fork Clearwater River, catch rates were at 6 hrs per fish caught.  That's good steelhead fishing.

The majority of boat anglers are still fishing around Orofino and they cannot fish past Dworshak Dam as most of the river has frozen over. Shore anglers are spread out from Cherry Lane Bridge up to the Pink House boat ramp. The majority of anglers out fishing the North Fork are fishing at the wall or the bridge more than likely due to all the snow on the banks. There were a few anglers on the East side of the river just above the bridge fishing this past weekend. The main stem had temperatures in the high thirties and the North Fork  temperatures dropped into the low forties.

Winter steelheading