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Idaho Fish and Game

Elk feeding to begin near Ketchum


Elk wait at near the feed line at Bullwhacker feed site near Ketchum.

KETCHUM - Idaho Fish and Game will begin winter feeding elk at the Bullwhacker feed site in the Warm Springs drainage sometime in the few weeks as snow continues to pile up with more than 18 inches currently.

“Feeding at this location has occurred on an annual basis since the early 1980’s,” said Landowner/Sportsman Coordinator John Guthrie. “By feeding we hope to short-stop elk from moving down the valley into residential areas.”

Biologists counted 61 elk earlier in close proximity to the feed site. Considering the current snow levels, animal concentrations at the feed site and the upcoming forecast, the biologists have determined that at this time to begin feeding.

Over the summer significantly improvements have been made to the feeding operation. The feed site now has a new storage facility, brush and downed timber was also removed to improve the area for multiple feed lines.

A snowmobile will also be used to better distribute feed, which will reduce competition between elk on the feed lines.

People are asked to stay away from the feed site in order to not disturb the elk.