ArcGIS Server Services
- Should we use fewer Services with more layers or more services with fewer layers?
- From an application performance perspective.
- From a server demand perspective.
Is server demand currently an issue?
- Should we use dedicated services with everything an application needs or general services that can be used by many applications or both?
- How many services are too many and is that likely to be an actual problem for us in the foreseeable future?
- Is there any advantage to separating the services that run our applications from services we are sharing?
- What data are we, and should we be, sharing through services?
- What can we do to increase the efficiency of our services?
- What kind monitoring can we set up?
- What testing can we do?
- Should we move some of our data and services to the State server or ArcGIS Online?
ArcGIS Server Caching
- How are our current caches set up?
- What is being cached?
- How will they be used?
- What else do we want to cache?
- For what layers do we want to build caches and for what do we cache dynamically?
- Can we do a combination of predefined caching?
i.e. Build a cache to a certain scale then cache dynamically beyond that. Or, cache the most likely layer combinations and dynamically cash the less likely combinations.
- Does it make sense to cache small simple layers like IDFG Regions beyond the most general zoom levels?
- How many and how large cached services can we support?
ArcGIS Online
- What do we have on there now?
- Where do the data, services, application code actually reside?
- What are we likely to use it for in the future?
- Who will be the “Named Users”?
- How many named users do we want to license?
- Should we move some of our data and services to the State server or ArcGIS Online?
- Do we want to upload data, create services, build caches, now while it’s free? Will they delete everything and make us start over.