Read U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service state, regional, and national press releases announcing the grant.
Idaho Department of Fish and Game Press Release:
“To Preserve, Protect, Perpetuate and Manage”
Contact: Idaho Fish and Game 208-334-3746
For Immediate Release
F&G Awarded $950,000 Grant to Inventory Rare Species
Idaho Fish and Game has received a $950,000 competitive State Wildlife Grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service to launch the Multi-Species Baseline Initiative, a coalition of more than 20 partner organizations.
These congressionally authorized funds will be matched by nearly $1,216,000 from state partners and nongovernmental organizations, for a total of nearly $2.2 million. Fish and Game contributions include $45,000 in nongame trust funds and a $155,000 volunteer match.
Fish and Game will lead the initiative that involves surveying the Idaho Panhandle and northeastern Washington for 20 “Species of Greatest Conservation Need” identified in either Idaho’s or Washington’s State Wildlife Action Plans. Biologists will collect location data for these species, as well as baseline information on their microclimate requirements.
All 20 species are described as “lacking essential information” on their status – something the initiative hopes to change. Specifically, this project will provide important distribution and abundance information for these species which will help wildlife managers develop more specific conservation actions designed to improve their status.
Survey and inventory information on rare or poorly understood species are invaluable to managers when they make decisions about a species’ status or classification. For example, in 2010 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that the pygmy rabbit did not warrant protection under the Endangered Species Act. In part, that decision was based on new information generated by Fish and Game – work that was also funded by a State Wildlife Grant.
For more information on the initiative, please visit the project website at For information on Idaho’s State Wildlife Action Plan and Species of Greatest Conservation Need, visit the Fish and Game website at
For more information, contact: Michael Lucid at 208-830-1451 or