Press Releases and Articles
Upper Salmon River Fall 2024 Steelhead Fishing Update (10-29-2024)
| idfg-bbeller
Angler effort along the Upper Salmon River continued to increase last week as many anglers got out to enjoy the warmer weather, especially over the weekend. The largest increase in angler effort was observed downstream of North Fork, but we also saw angler effort begin to increase around Salmon ID.
Average catch… more
Rainbow trout stocking schedule for November 2024 in the Magic Valley Region
| idfg-tthompson
As we move into winter, stocking of hatchery rainbow trout slows across the Magic Valley Region. But if you live near Filer, the Filer Kids Pond and Filer Pond are a great place to fish when the temperatures start to drop.
Hatchery personnel from Fish and Game’s Magic Valley Region will be stocking approximately… more
Hunter shoots grizzly bear in self-defense on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest
| idfg-jbrower
On the evening of Oct. 26, a hunter shot and killed a sow grizzly bear in self-defense while it was charging him as he was elk hunting north of Kilgore near Mule Meadows on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest.
The hunter was hiking through thick timber when the grizzly came out of the brush only a few… more
See a bat in or around your home? Don’t panic, here’s what you need to know
| idfg-scassinelli
Fall is a crucial time for bats as they migrate or prepare for hibernation. It’s not uncommon to find a bat roosting on the side of buildings or homes. However, there’s no need to panic; they are often just resting to conserve energy while passing through.
Bats are frequently misunderstood. They are not… more
Pheasant stocking on WMAs has started and continues into December
| idfg-cliess
Hunting pheasants on Fish and Game's wildlife management areas is a popular fall tradition for upland bird hunters. To support this tradition, pen-raised pheasants are stocked on 24 WMAs beginning in September and continuing into December.
Fish and Game will stock over 28,000 pheasants in total this year at… more
Important dates to help plan your November
| idfg-cliess
From tags sales to season openers, there’s a lot happening in Idaho during November that you should be aware of. Staying in the loop can be the difference between applying for that coveted controlled hunt tag and watching from the sidelines.
Be sure to stay up to date on all Fish and Game happenings. Here are… more
Statewide trout stocking highlights for November 2024
| idfg-cliess
Many of Idaho’s lakes and ponds are soon going to be bolstered with Idaho Fish and Game stocking roughly 12,500 catchable-sized rainbow trout this November. Wondering if the stocking trucks are going to be backing up to your favorite fishing hole? We asked our Fish and Game hatchery staff to boil down some of the most… more
Hunter education class scheduled in the Clearwater Region
| idfg-jbruns
If you want one last opportunity to take a hunter education class in Lewiston before the new year, mark out the evenings of 4-8 November on your calendar. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will be hosting a hunter education class at their office (3316 16th St., Lewiston) on those evenings. The class… more
Upper Snake Winter Feeding Advisory Committee will meet Nov. 19
| idfg-jbrower
Upper Snake Winter Feeding Advisory Committee Meeting
Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2024- 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM MST
Address: 4279 Commerce Circle, Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Members of the Upper Snake Winter Feeding Advisory Committee will meet to assist Fish and Game with the assessment of winter… more
Fire burns 105 acres on Georgetown Summit Wildlife Management Area in southeast Idaho
| idfg-jjackson
In the early afternoon on Tuesday, Oct. 15, a wildfire started on the Georgetown Summit Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in southeast Idaho’s Bear Lake County. The WMA is managed by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.
Due to dry fuel conditions, high temperatures, and moderate winds, the fire moved… more
Volunteer instructors are the backbone of Idaho’s Hunter Education program
| idfg-tthompson
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Magic Valley Region, is looking for new volunteer hunter education instructors to help ensure that the newest generation of Idaho hunters has a thorough understanding of safety, ethics and conservation.
New instructor orientation
The Magic Valley Regional Office… more
Successful or not, hunters and anglers must stop at check stations
| idfg-cliess
Check stations are an opportunity for Fish and Game staff to talk to thousands of hunters and see thousands of harvested animals. The goal is for Fish and Game personnel to get information and learn what's happening in the field and also answer questions, collect samples for chronic wasting disease… more
F&G seeks information about four separate cases of mule deer left to waste near Council
| idfg-bpearson
Fish and Game conservation officers are asking the public for information regarding four separate cases of mule deer being shot and left to waste near Council:
Upper Salmon River Fall 2024 Steelhead Fishing Update (10-22-2024)
| idfg-bbeller
Cooler temperatures and clear skies made last week feel a bit more like a typical October along the Upper Salmon River. In addition to clearing out the smoke, the weather changes also resulted in increased river flows, decreased water temperatures, and better steelhead fishing. Angler effort continued to increase… more
Monitoring wild salmon and steelhead in the wilderness
| idfg-jheckel
The Big Creek rotary screw trap on a fall day.Catch, kill, report walleye in Idaho's salmon and steelhead rivers
| idfg-mdobos
Walleye are spreading at an alarming rate upstream in the Snake and Salmon rivers and now occupy critical rearing and migratory areas of juvenile salmon and steelhead. For the past couple years, Idaho Fish and Game has asked – and continues to ask – anglers to harvest any walleye they catch in Idaho salmon and… more
Fall fishing: Don't let great fishing months slip away
| idfg-rphillips
Yeah, we get it. You’ve been fishing for months, and hopefully, you’re having a great time and catching some fish. Then fall comes along, the guns come out, and the rods get stashed. Considering hunting seasons tend to be relatively short compared to fishing season, it makes sense.
But if you’re not a… more
Hunting and Advanced Technology Working Group (HAT Working Group) will meet November 2, 2024
| idfg-staff
Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) has traditionally managed game species with a focus on providing greater hunter opportunity, including a higher number of available tags and longer seasons. Some members of Idaho’s outdoor sporting community have begun to express concerns related to the advancement of hunting… more