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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Chukar, Partridge Seasons Open October 1

| idfg-mcoleman

New this year, the chukar season opens October 1 along with partridge and quail. Chukar and gray partridge: October 1 through January 31, 2012. Daily bag limit - six chukar and six gray partridge. Possession limit after first day - 12 chukar and 12 gray partridge. Bobwhite and California quail: October 1… more

Wolf Trapper Classes Available

| idfg-mcoleman

Idaho wolf trapping rules require trappers complete a wolf trapper class before they can buy a wolf trapping tag. Classes will be available in six Fish and Game regions. To register and for exact location of the classes, please contact the nearest Fish and Game region. Classes are first-come, first-served and limited… more

Ask Fish and Game: Grouse Permits

| idfg-mcoleman

Q. Do I need a permit to hunt grouse? A. It depends. In addition to a valid 2011 Idaho hunting license, hunters need a permit to hunt sage-grouse and sharp-tailed grouse. Any person hunting sage- or sharp-tailed grouse must have in possession their license with a sage/sharp-tailed grouse permit validation, available… more

Volunteers Needed for Clearwater River Clean-Up

| idfg-nnokkentved

Volunteers are needed to help pick up litter along the Clearwater River near Kooskia and Orofino on Saturday, September 10. Volunteers, especially those with river boats or rafts, are asked to meet at 9 a.m. at either the Pink House Recreation Site near Orofino or the Kamiah boat ramp across from the City Park at… more

F&G Plan Youth Waterfowl Hunting Opportunity

| idfg-nnokkentved

Idaho Fish and Game has scheduled three mentored waterfowl hunting opportunities for youth aged 15 and under. The hunts are planned for September 24, the opening day of the annual youth-only waterfowl season which is open only to hunters aged 15 and under. The mentored hunting clinics will be at Boundary Creek… more

Upland Game Bird Seasons Open

| idfg-nnokkentved

The early fall general turkey season begins Thursday, September 15, and seasons for sage-grouse, quail and partridge begin October 1. Forest grouse seasons opened August 30. A separate permit is required for hunting sage- and sharp-tailed grouse. Turkey: September 15 through December 15. General fall hunt in game… more

Wildfire Closes Some Backcountry Trails

| idfg-nnokkentved

A wildfire northeast of Lowman and several trail closures may affect hunters in Unit 35. The Castro Fire covers about 1,500 acres on the Lowman Ranger District of the Boise National Forest, about 18 miles northeast of Lowman. No structures are threatened. State Highway 21 and Bull Trout Lake Campground are open… more

Land Sale First of F&G Sale for Land Trust

| idfg-nnokkentved

August 22, Idaho Fish and Game completed the sale of 80 acres on the South Fork Salmon River to the U.S. Forest Service. The parcel, known as the Withers property, was purchased by Fish and Game in 1948 to protect big game winter range. This is the first surplus Fish and Game property sold to the Forest Service, which… more

Idaho Fish and Game News is Now Available

| idfg-nnokkentved

The September issue of Idaho Fish and Game News is now available. This issue covers the 15th anniversary of Idaho Salmon and Steelhead Days celebrated at Fish and Game's MK Nature Center. The issue also includes information about a new online marketing effort by Fish and Game. Fish and Game News is free and… more

Ask Fish and Game: Hunter Education

| idfg-nnokkentved

Q. Is it too late to sign up for hunter education? A. That depends on where you live. If no classes are scheduled in your area, anyone 10 or older may take the independent study course on the Internet, with a required supervised field day. But in some regions field days may not be available because of the hunting… more

Fall Chinook Season Opens

| idfg-mcoleman

Fall Chinook salmon seasons open September 1 in the Snake River from the Washington-Idaho border upstream to Hells Canyon Dam and in the Clearwater River from its mouth upstream to the Memorial Bridge. The season runs until October 31 or further notice: The Snake River is divided into four management sections:… more

Fall Steelhead Harvest Season Opens

| idfg-mcoleman

The Snake, Salmon and Little Salmon rivers open for steelhead harvest September 1. The limits on these waters are three per day and nine in possession. The steelhead harvest season on the lower Clearwater River opened August 1, on a two-mile stretch of the lower Clearwater River from its mouth to the U.S. Highway… more

F&G Commission Adopts Proposed Rule Changes

| idfg-mcoleman

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission at a meeting August 24 adopted a proposed change to the Landowner Appreciation Program, changes to wildlife salvage rules and minor changes to a number of other rules. Landowners in five game management units - 40, 41, 42, 45 and 52 - who meet the conditions of the Landowner… more

Fish and Game Ends Chukar Flights

| idfg-mcoleman

Idaho Fish and Game biologists will no longer conduct aerial chukar surveys. Fish and Game has conducted annual chukar surveys since the mid-1980s primarily to provide a 'forecast' for the upcoming season. The data was not biological data used to set seasons. This was one of the aerial surveys eliminated after a… more

Ask Fish and Game: Tritium Bow Sights

| idfg-mcoleman

Q. I was wondering if the new Trijicon AccuPin bow sight is legal in Idaho even though it's Pope and Young legal? It does contain tritium, which in the regs says is not allowed. A. This archer correctly answered his own question. The Trijicon AccuPin bow sight uses tritium, and the rules are clear: In any hunt,… more

Youth Quail Hunt Planned

| idfg-nnokkentved

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Sportsman's Warehouse, Pheasants Forever and the Ca Bull Elk Ranch will be sponsoring a quail hunt on September 24. This free hunt is open to any first-time hunters, regardless of age, who have completed their hunter education course. This fun day will include practice… more

Youth Pheasant Hunt Planned

| idfg-nnokkentved

Youth hunters wanting to learn more about hunting pheasants are invited to attend a youth hunting clinic from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. October 1 at Bill Mellencamp's hunting preserve on Idahome Road in Raft River. Participants will learn basic shooting skills, pheasant biology and get to go hunting. Dozens of items have… more

Sage-Grouse Group Solicits Comments

| idfg-nnokkentved

The North Magic Valley Sage-Grouse Local Working Group has completed a draft sage-grouse conservation plan and would like to solicit public comment. The Sage Grouse Local Working Group is a collaborative public-private entity that is working to improve sage grouse habitat and populations within its planning area.… more