Press Releases and Articles
Waterfowl banding efforts help provide critical monitoring data
| idfg-jbruns
Thousands of ducks and geese are banded across Idaho each year as part of a federal waterfowl monitoring program. This June, Fish and Game staff led banding efforts at two locations within the Clearwater Region- Winchester Lake State Park and Lewiston Country Club. A total of 75 geese were processed this year (50… more
Upcoming Dworshak elk working group meeting on July 18 at 6:15 p.m.
| idfg-jbruns
The Dworshak Elk Working Group consists of 12 members representing hunters, outfitters, landowners and sportspersons groups. The purpose of this group is to develop proposal ideas for the 2025-26 season setting. Proposals developed by the working group will be presented to the public during the spring public comment… more
Phone a friend: Five tips for making the most of a pre-season call with a wildlife biologist
| idfg-epapenberg
Every year, hundreds of hunters place calls to Fish and Game wildlife biologists, seeking information that might increase their odds of bagging a buck or a bull. Fish and Game staff field these requests year-round but calls ebb and flow as various tags become available, and volume typically peaks in the weeks leading… more
Ain’t No Mountain (Stream) High Enough: A guide to finding the perfect backcountry creekside fishing camp
| idfg-cliess
The dog days of summer are upon us. As the mercury skyrockets and the sun broils us 15 hours a day, few things are more attractive than leaving town and heading into the mountains to dunk a line (and maybe some sweaty feet) into a newfound creek or stream.
For anglers looking to escape the hustle and… more
Live in Idaho Waters (Part 1): Native Sculpin
| idfg-bbowersox
Idaho, and really the entire western side of the United States, has fewer native fish species, just over 40 in Idaho, whereas some states on the eastern side of the country have 200-300. What we lack in number is more than made up for by charisma with iconic native fish like cutthroat, steelhead, and white sturgeon to… more
Bull trout conservation in Hells Canyon
| idfg-jhargrove
Bull trout can be found in many mountain streams and rivers in Idaho, but did you know there are several populations that exist in headwater streams above the Hells Canyon Dams? These streams contain resident bull trout which are smaller than their migratory counterparts. Bull trout in these headwater streams would be… more
Upper Salmon River Chinook update - 7/10/2024
| idfg-gschoby
July 10, 2024
Hi everyone, during the last open period of the Upper Salmon River Chinook fishery (July 4 – July 7), we saw a slight increase in angler effort, with approximately 1,552 angler hours targeting Chinook Salmon during the third week of the season. Additionally, we estimated that anglers harvested 28… more
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery Update (7/8/2024) Clearwater River Return, Rapid River Run, and Hells Canyon Fisheries
| idfg-jdupont
Hi everybody.
It is time for my weekly spring Chinook Salmon update (July 8, 2024). There will be no additional closures this week for any of the spring Chinook Salmon fisheries.
Harvest shares for the different Chinook Salmon fisheries in the Clearwater Region are… more
Clearwater wildlife blog series: Installment #3- White-tailed deer teeth results
| idfg-jbruns
Last fall, Fish and Game asked hunters pursuing white-tailed deer in Clearwater units 8A and 10A to provide a tooth from their harvest as part of an ongoing effort to learn more about the age structure of deer in northern Idaho. The goal is to better understand white-tailed deer ages within popular hunting units. Teeth… more
Most capped elk zone tags go on sale at 10 a.m. MDT July 10; Sawtooth Zone tags on July 12, 10 a.m. MDT
| idfg-cliess
All capped elk zones, other than the Sawtooth Elk Zone, will go on sale on July 10 at 10 a.m. MDT. Tags are first-come, first-served and available at, at all Idaho Fish and Game license vendors, Fish and Game regional offices, on Fish and Game’s mobile app, or by calling 1 (800) 554-8685. … more
Upper Salmon River Chinook update - 7/3/2024
| idfg-gschoby
Hi everyone, the Upper Salmon River fishery was open last week from June 26 to June 30 (Thursday to Sunday). Salmon angler effort increased considerably, and we estimated that anglers spent 1,328 hours targeting Chinook Salmon during the second week. Additionally, we estimated that anglers harvested 28 hatchery adults… more
A Flutter in the Night-Bat Program at MK Nature Center
| idfg-sfocht
The MK Nature Center will be hosting a program about Idaho's bats on July 11 at 8:30 pm.
Join Idaho's top bat biologists for an informative and exciting night-time program about bats. Learn about Idaho's bats inside while dusk settles, then head out to the pond to use current bat detecting technology to… more
Just in time for Independence Day - Panhandle trout stocking schedule!
| idfg-tjross
If you're looking for a good way to celebrate Independence Day, look no further! Over 7,500 catchable-size (10 to 12 inch) rainbow trout will be stocked in the Panhandle Region in July.
Stocking of all waters is tentative and dependent on river/lake/pond conditions (angler safety concerns); dates… more
Looking for walleye in Lake Pend Oreille? We've got you covered.
| idfg-tjross
Lake Pend Oreille walleye are providing steady action for anglers this summer. Walleye are set up in their typical summer locations, and anglers are reporting consistent catch rates. Walleye also continue to be distributed widely throughout the system.
July trout stocking schedule for the Southeast Region
| idfg-jjackson
Grab your fishing pole, pack the cooler, and don’t forget your fishing license! Personnel from Idaho Fish and Game’s hatcheries in the Southeast Region will be releasing over 11,500 catchable-sized rainbow trout at various locations during July. Fish on!
Montpelier angler sets another state record tiger trout
| idfg-mkoenig
Austin Christensen record tiger trout Austin Christensen hoists a 9.13-pound tiger trout to clinch a new state record from Montpelier ReservoirSouthwest Region rainbow trout stocking schedule - July
| idfg-bpearson
Fish and Game staff will be stocking nearly 29,500 catchable-size (10 to 12 inch) trout at the following locations across the Southwest Region in July.
All fish stocked are rainbow trout, unless otherwise noted. Stocking of all waters is tentative and dependent on river/lake/pond conditions (… more
Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery Update (7/1/2024): Clearwater River Return, Rapid River Run, and Hells Canyon Fisheries
| idfg-jdupont
Hi everybody.
It is time for my weekly spring Chinook Salmon update (July 1, 2024). There will be no additional closures this week for any of the spring Chinook Salmon fisheries.
Harvest shares for the different Chinook Salmon fisheries in the Clearwater Region are… more