Fish & Game Recognizes Efforts of Hundreds of Volunteers in Upper Snake Region
The Idaho Department of Fish & Game announces Roy Leavitt as their Volunteer of the Year for 2015 in the Upper Snake Region. Roy provided the Idaho Department of Fish and Game with over 500 hours of volunteer service in the year 2015.
"I have become good friends with Roy over the years and he doesn't spend any of his time just sitting around." says James Brower the Volunteer Service Coordinator for the region. "If I don't give him something to do he either makes me find something for him or comes up with a project of his own. Nothing keeps Roy down and he never take no for an answer."
Born in Rexburg Idaho, Roy has never had a desire to leave the State. He currently splits his time between Idaho Falls and his cabin in Island Park. Since joining the Idaho Fish and Game volunteer program in 2011 Roy has participated in pheasant releases, habitat plantings, fish studies, and much much more. Chances are if you have a good day hunting or fishing it has something to do with the efforts of Roy Leavitt.
This coming year Roy is looking forward to the beaver capture and relocation program. "I'm determined to catch a beaver on my own this year." Roy says.
Along with volunteering for the Idaho department of Fish and Game, Roy also volunteers for Pheasants Forever, Fugawee Snowmobile club, and EICAP.
Fish and Game wishes to thank all of their many volunteers for donating more than 8,000 hours of volunteer service in the Upper Snake Region during the 2015 year. This generous donation of time and services has an estimated value of over $200,000 to the department. Without this dedicated group of volunteers consisting of over 300 individuals, many functions of the department would not be possible.
They especially wish to recognize the following distinguished service award recipients for 2015 for their outstanding efforts toward wildlife conservation:
2015 Volunteer of the year: Roy Leavitt
Volunteers donating over 500 hours of volunteer service: Roy Leavitt, Steve Lundquist
Volunteers donating over 400 hours of volunteer service: Ken Olson
Volunteers donating over 300 hours of volunteer service: Jerry Steed
Volunteers donating over 200 hours of volunteer service: Collett Olson, Dale Claflin, Tony Appelhans
Volunteers donating over 100 hours of volunteer service: Al Yonk, Brenda Pace, Cody High, Dave Godfrey, Dennis Smith, Don Weber, Donna Whitham, Errol Mobley, Jean Taylor, John Braastad, Joyce Pole, Kirk Christensen, Mark Whitham, Mary Dolven, Michael Zacher, Pegge Steele, Robert Anderl, Robert Nitchke, Sam Pole, Sheri Weber, Sue Braastad, Teresa Meachum, Therese Lloyd, Wendy Brockish.
Individuals interested in volunteering with the Idaho Department of Fish & Game in the Idaho Falls area should contact James Brower at 208-525-7290 or