Duck School Workshop Slated
Fledgling waterfowl hunters with a desire to learn more about duck and goose hunting should plan to attend the upcoming Southwest Idaho Duck School workshop. The free workshop is open specifically to new waterfowl hunters of any age.
The all-day event begins at 9:00am on Saturday, November 28th at Fish and Game's Nampa office, located at 3101 S. Powerline Road. Morning classroom sessions will give way to an afternoon field trip to Lake Lowell for hands-on learning opportunities. Lunch and beverages will be provided. The workshop ends at 5:00pm.
Workshop subjects include waterfowl identification, proper decoy sets, duck calling, blind construction, ammo and gear selection, dog training tips, meat preparation, waterfowl cooking and much more.
Space is limited to 25 novice waterfowl hunters and pre-registration is required by November 20th. To register, contact the Fish and Game Nampa office at 208-465-8465 or send an e-mail to Katie Oelrich at or Josh White at