Fish Salvage to Open on Big Wood River, Richfield and Lincoln Canals
Because of drought conditions and low runoff, demand for irrigation water has exceeded Magic reservoir's capacity. Magic Reservoir Dam will be shut off sometime between today and July 27, 2015. It is anticipated that most fish in the Big Wood River below Magic Reservoir Dam and in the Richfield Canal System will be killed as the water level drops and conditions become unsuitable.
A public fish salvage has been declared for the Big Wood River below Magic Reservoir from the old railroad trestle located about 1.25 miles downstream from Magic Dam to the Gooding County line. General fishing rules still apply in the Big Wood River between the Magic Dam and the railroad trestle. Several springs in this river section will allow fish to survive until the water is restored.
Also open to fish salvage include the Richfield Canal from the canal diversion downstream to the Gooding County line and the Richfield and Lincoln Canal systems.
In these waters, bag, possession and size limits are removed effective Saturday, July 25 through November 1, 2015. Fish may be taken by any method except firearms, explosives, chemicals or electric current.
A valid fishing license is required to harvest fish under a public salvage operation.
For more information, contact Fish and Game's Magic Valley Region Office at 208-324-4359.