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Idaho Fish and Game

Share Your Outdoor Photos and Stories on Fish and Game's Website

Show off that stringer of fish, hold that first deer proudly, shoot the perfect sunset from your favorite high mountain lake, and share your story experiencing Idaho's outdoors. Idaho Department of Fish and Game invites you to share your favorite fishing, hunting, scenic, and wildlife viewing photos and experiences by submitting them electronically to Fish and Game's website. To submit your own or see what others have shared, go to All photos must be taken in Idaho. Hunting and fishing photos should display the animals in a tasteful manner. Please submit sharp, clear, color photographs accompanied with the following information: - Name and email of person submitting photo. - Date and general location photo was taken. - Brief caption describing the content of the photo (e.g., Jennifer Smith, age 12, with her first deer). - Brief stories are encouraged, but not required. Digital photos should be less than 8 megabytes in JPG, PNG, or JPEG formats. Fish and Game retains all rights to accepted submissions and reserves the right to reproduce or reprint, with proper credit, photos in other publications, on television, web sites and other media. Photographers are encouraged to use the following tips: - Get close: Get in close and fill the viewfinder with your subject. Avoid having a lot of vacant space or a distracting background around the subject. - Track the sun: Keep the light in the face of the subject and on the game or fish and make sure hats or other clothing are not shadowing the subject's face. - Experiment: Try different compositions - position of the subject, camera angles, flash or no-flash, and background settings. Always take more than one photo - you can always delete them later. - Be steady: The reason most photos don't turn out is that the camera moved during the photo, producing a bit of blurring. Brace your hands, pull your arms into your body, take a deep breath, and take several photos. - Safety first: Check the position of your firearm or bow before taking your photo. Photos that show poor or improper safety will not be accepted. - Make them look their best: For fish, make sure everything is ready for the photo, lift, pose, take a couple of quick shots, and release the fish as quickly as possible. For game animals, try to take photos in the field before you field dress your animal. Always put the tongue back in the animal's mouth, and if photos are taken after the animal is field dressed, please clean up as much as possible. Show the animal in a way that will reflect the beauty of the animal and pride of your hunt.