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Idaho Fish and Game

Greater Idaho Falls International Migratory Bird Day May 15 and 16

Bird enthusiasts living in southeastern Idaho have the chance to have double the fun this year because while the traditional date for International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) is the second Saturday of May, this year's avian related festivities in the Idaho Falls area will take place two days, May 15 and 16th. Because spring often takes its time getting to Idaho Falls, birding enthusiasts have always pushed the date for IMBD back a week in order to give more birds a chance to move through. This year's theme is "Restore Habitat Restore Birds." Activities will not only focus on birds, but the various habitats they require to live. On May 15, there will be birding tours of either The Nature Conservancy Flat Ranch in Island Park or the Gold Ranch on the Henrys Fork. Because numbers are limited, reservations are required. Contact Rob Cavallaro at 208-525-7290. On May 16, there will be tours to Market Lake Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Mud Lake WMA, Camas National Wildlife Refuge, and the Snake River. Space is limited and reservations are required. Because of the aquatic nature of some tours, canoes are required. Contact Brian Wehausen at 208-241-5410 to register. Also on May 16, biologists will be available to answer questions about bird related topics, as well as live bird demonstrations and learning activities for kids at the Ducks Unlimited Market Lake Ranch near Roberts, ID. Begins at 9 a.m. - Beginning Birding Classes begin at 9:30. Reservation required by calling 208-525-7290. - Birding learning activities for kids begin at 10:00. - Free Lunch from 11a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Live Bird Demonstration from Teton Raptor Center, 1:10pm. For more information or directions, call 208-525-7290. All activities are free, but donations will be accepted by the various sponsoring groups.