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Idaho Fish and Game

Commission Approves Big Game Seasons and Rules for 2 Years

Anonymous (not verified)
After an intensive public outreach, Fish and Game wildlife managers have presented the Fish and Game Commission with proposed hunting rules and regulations for the 2015 and 2016 big game hunting seasons. Commissioners unanimously approved the proposals during a scheduled meeting in Boise on March 24, including converting the season setting process to a 2-year cycle for white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, pronghorn, black bear, mountain lion, and gray wolf. The 2015 and 2016 seasons and rules are designed to provide more opportunity after a third consecutive mild winter throughout most of Idaho. Managers heard from more than 2500 people during an outreach for public input. Comments were received through open houses, sportsman shows and live online web chats. Deer hunters will enjoy the biggest increase in opportunity in 2015, as populations continue to thrive. Managers are now using GPS radio collars to supplement monitoring in seven elk monitoring zones. Research indicates herds are at or above management objectives in various parts of the state including the Boise River and Smoky Bennett Zones. This will result in extra opportunity for elk hunters, especially in units where elk are creating depredation concerns for property owners. The proposals also include some very specific changes in relatively small geographic areas to enhance certain hunts for other big game species, to achieve population objectives for various species and to address potential conflicts among different groups of hunters. The 2015 and 2016 big game hunting seasons and rules brochures will be available on Fish and Game's website by mid-April and at Fish and Game offices and vendors statewide by the end of April.