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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish and Game Seeks Comments on Two Year Season-Setting Cycle

Anonymous (not verified)
Idaho Fish and Game is proposing to convert the big game season-setting process to a two year cycle for white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, pronghorn, black bears, mountain lions, and gray wolves. Fish and Game has been setting moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat seasons, and upland game seasons, on a two year cycle for more than 20 years, and now sets fishing seasons for a three year period. The current annual season-setting process commences in December each year with the development of proposals that are scoped with the public and further refined based on input received prior to final commission action in mid-March. Year-to-year changes tend to be relatively minor. A two year season cycle would provide greater stability in seasons and allow staff to engage the public in a variety of forums over a longer period of time. A two-year season cycle would benefit families and individuals who need to schedule vacation time well in advance by providing greater certainty on hunting season dates and allow greater time for planning. The change may also reduce regulation printing costs. Staff would continue to monitor harvest and big game population objectives annually and provide the Fish and Game Commission status updates every year. In non-season setting years, staff would have more time to focus on extra monitoring and management activities. If necessary due to fire, bad winter weather, a disease event or other factors, managers could still make season changes and adjust controlled hunt tag numbers to respond to those types of emergencies should they occur in an off year. Fish and Game is asking for public input about the proposed change, and comments will be considered in development of final recommendations that will be submitted to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission for consideration and action at their meeting on March 24th. To comment, go to:…. The comment period closes Sunday, March 8 at midnight. Fish and Game will also host a web-chat, during which biologists from across the state will answer questions and respond to comments on this proposal and others. Those interested in joining will have the opportunity on March 4th from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and again from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30pm.